
Friday, February 25, 2022

Review Map Harian-Lumbanraja

 Here is the Map of Lumbaraja Heritage :

Hello Guys, At the moment I wanna show you chilhood area of mum, So at the time I show this map to Mama. she exited to explain this area. of course, She know the place as her belongings. alright. she start from Batu Guru at Desa Pangaloan, there is a  Big Stone and it's called Batu Guru .  So the story tale is....

Long time ago, there was a buffalo who belongs to marga Nainggolan Lumbanraja. and the buffalo is fighting at the hill, and one of the buffalo falling down till the lake and anothers one stug at the surface, and you know ...

The 2 buffalo was changed become stone. the one stone by the lake holding by 3 stone under the water. and in Bataknese Called : Dalihan Natolu. Dalihan Natolu is a Bataknese Principal, namely :

  • Somba marhula-hula : Means We have to respect to family from Mother (Woman) side. and also refers to we have to respect to everyone, especially older than us.
  • Elek Marboru means we have to appreciate or embarace sister from our father or husband as well as our daugther or refers to we have to embrace the young generation
  • Manat Mardongan tubu means  We have to be careful with the same lastname with us or refers to we have to be careful with our friend. in this case, becareful is about our behave, manner, attitude ,

And nearby the Batu Guru, we also found Tugu Toga Sahata Lumbanraja. This tugu or monumen is Lumbanraja anchestor. Next to toga is Traditional house called Rumah Bolon, Long time ago this Rumah bolon functional is to keep rice from the Lumbanraja's rice field if harvest season. everyone could loan the rice but there is an interest with it. 

And the most interesting is the lake is so beautiful. we can swim at the lake and you can find rice terrace as well.  I was here and of course just because to visit family there. and wondering will visit in the near future. alright my friend. I hope I will visit this place soonest after this posted this review. 

Here is the View!

    Lumbanraja Site

see in aother part!!

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Desa Bingin

 Jalan-jalan adalah  sesuatu hal yang menyenangkan, yang mana jalan-jalan ini sebagai obat pengusir rasa bosan. Untuk mengusir rasa bosan itu. sebagaian orang ada yang bepergian tanpa planning yang matang. Hanya Go and see what happened. Seperti yang saya lakukan saat ini,  kali ini saya bepergian tanpa rencana yang matang. kali ini saya pergi ke Bali selatan dikawasan Bingin. Didaerah ini masih Natural sekali, dengan pemandangan yang sungguh menakjubkan dengan suguhan tebing yang sangat curam dan bentangan Hindia Ocean yang terbentang luas, Landscape yang sungguh indah dari sang pencipta. Tak henti kita bersyukur atas ini semua. rasanya kita terlepas dari segala konflik kehidupan. diatas ini terdapat juga lapangan yang luas, sehongga orang-orang dapat bersantai disore hari untuk menikmati sunset. Kali ini saya akan mencoba menuruni tangga lewat tebing curam. 

Sebenarnya saat menuruni tangga ini, saya sangat takut. 

Tak sabar bermain dengan ombak air yang sangat menggoda. rasanya saya ingin cebur ke air laut tersebut. dan tentu kami berhasil menuruni anak tangga, perjuangan melawan rasa takut dari ketinggian. Saat sudah berada dipantai, semua terbayarkan. 

Danau Toba Di Sumatera Utara

  Danau Toba adalah Dananu terbesar di Indonesia. Danau Vulkanik terluas ini menyimpan keindahan tersendiri dengan pesona yang tak terlupaka...
